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Power Electronics : ZEZ SILKO


DC link capacitors

DC filters of power converters

Voltage: up to 6 kV DC
Capacitance: up to 20 000 μF
Low stray inductance


AC filter capacitors

Power converters (AC current filtering)

Voltage: up to 3,5 kV AC
Capacitance: up to 600 μF


Snubber capacitors

Semiconductors protection (IGBT, SCR)

Voltage: up to 10 kV DC
Capacitance: up to 25 μF
Extremely low stray inductance



Kota Wisata Sentra Eropa Blok SED-57
Jl. Transyogi Km. 6 Desa Ciangsana Kec. Gunung Putri, Kab. Bogor 16968 - Indonesia
Telp. +6221 84934471 Fax. +6221 84934130 HP. +62 87855180777
E-mail : info@geco.co.id Website : http://www.geco.co.id


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